asec - services
Basic and Applied Research in the Field of System Integration
Microelectronic Systems/Microsystem Technology
- System Design and System/Architecture Co-Design
- Model based Development
- Energy self-sufficient distributed Microsystems
- Design of System-In-Package
- Design and Fabrication of Technology Prototypes and Functional Models
Electromagnetic Reliability
- Analysis and Optimization of Emissions and Noise Immunity
- Modeling of EMC/SI-Effects
Algorithms and Hybrid Hardware-/Software-Systems
- Image Processing
- Applications in Robotics
- Wireless and Ad-hoc-Communication
Consulting of Small and Medium-sized Companies
- Analysis, Validation, and Selection of Technology
- Selection and Introduction of Tools for System Integration
Socioscientific Accompanying Research
Courses and Training
- Training Services
- Master's Degree Program in System Integration Engineering